We will be delighted to have you email us here with information, or discussion, about your ancestors who fought in the 73rd Indiana or 51st Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiments, or were involved with these units or their battles, marches, and campgrounds in any way. This includes all other units recorded in the books as having fought alongside them, such as the 3rd Ohio, and 80th Illinois, as well as the 1st Middle Tennessee Calvary or its later designations.
Especially, we’d like to learn more of individual Southern soldiers who fought with Confederate Cavalry Generals Forrest or Roddey against the Union, Streight’s Raiders, in April and May of 1863. We’d also like to hear of those noted by Colonel Alfred B. Wade – 3rd Commander of the 73rd Indiana – during the last year of America’s Civil War while they were stationed as an occupying force in the small towns of northern Alabama along the Tennessee River. And, too, we’d like to know more about the families of civilian Southerners involved in the Raid of Streight’s Brigade - such as Emma Sansom, John Wisdom, Officers of Richmond’s Libby Prison, or Alabama citizens, farm and plantation owner families, noted by Colonel Wade. The “Civil War Diary of Colonel Alfred B. Wade” contains amazing, detailed, history of those small northern Alabama towns in 1864 and 1865.
James Keir Baughman
Michael P. Downs